The 15 Minute Warm Up Routine To Make You Surf Better and Faster Well Into Your Golden Years Without Aches and Injuries

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This ultimate mobility routine will turbo charge your surfing sessions! It will warm up all your joints,  activate all the important muscles used for surfing, prime movement patterns like the pop up and most importantly eliminate the aches, pains and prevent injuries! Allowing you to surf for longer and until very old age!

In this 15 minute routine, you will:


🏄  Warm up your body head to toes, especially your joints so you don't have to suffer from aches and injuries

🏄  Improve your performance so you can enjoy your favourite sport even more

🏄  Activate the right muscles so you are primed for any movement pattern you will use

🏄  Restore the native range in your joints so your movement is not restricted

🏄  When used as a recovery or daily mobility training, this routine will keep your body moving with freedom and no limits so you can enjoy your favourite sport well into your golden years and age like a fine wine

If we haven't met, I'm Jana

and I want to help you live the life of your wildest dreams! Regardless of how old you are.

I'm a Fitness & Movement Coach, certified TACFIT instructor, strength & conditioning coach and a qualified personal trainer. I have been fortunate to share my expertise on numerous podcasts and I've been featured in magazines.

I have had the enormous privilege to coach women, and men, for over a decade. My coaching philosophy is focused on longevity and restoring, and enhancing your body's natural physical abilities. I want to make exercise enjoyable for you, easy to fit into your busy life and  safely challenging so you can keep getting fitter, stronger, more resilient and age like a fine wine.

My clients get strong, powerful and move like ninjas regardless of their age. They fix their old injuries, never get new ones and often return to doing sports they love but had to give up. I have helped women to reconnect with their bodies after traumatic events like emergency hysterectomy and a near-death childbirth.

The women I help have the confidence to start learning adventure sports like surfing and sailing in their 50s!

I help my clients squeeze in daily movement into their busy lives which makes them feel confident, full of energy, glowing, resilient and invincible.